11/02/2025: Updated the music page with embedded soundcloud links and updated the playlist for the embeded youtube player. From now on all music on the music page will be projects I have made, so be sure to give it a look! I have also added to the gallery.

25/03/2024: I got a custom URL for the site! You can now use iyoxh.com to access the website! I also changed out the arcade page with the link to the music page. The music page isn't quite finished yet but I figured I'd link it to the homepage for now.

21/03/2024: Began working on a music page. The idea for this will be essentially a page where you can vibe with a youtube playlist playing. I haven't done much to it yet but once it's to my liking I'll list it in the directory on the home page. Join the Set Adrift stream on Twitch tonight, you can watch on the TV page!

17/03/2024: Changed the look of the home page a bit, and I will likely continue to draft new looks for it in the coming days.

16/03/2024: Today the TV page was added. The page has embedded stream windows to my twitch and the twitch for my band. We practice every Thursday so be sure to tune in and give a listen.

15/03/2024: I am back! I have been very busy for a while, so I kind of stopped working on this project. Have a few ideas for the site so I'll be updating it more from now on.

29/06/2023: Recently I have been adding a few buttons here and there to the button page. The library has also been updated with another book. In other news, tomorrow is my birthday! I will be editing and posting more images to the gallery soon!

19/06/2023: I have returned yet again! I have updated the library with a few books today and I added a new game a couple days ago. I apologize for neglecting the site for a while, to those who are returning for updates. More to come soon!

07/06/2023: A long time ago I figured out how to emulate the old Elder Scrolls Travels games for nokia, and when I brough this up to a friend they said I should figure out how to add it to this site. This is a great idea, and I will be looking into it. If I can get it to work right, I will have one of the only sites, if not the only site, where you can play an Elders Scrolls Travels game.

03/06/2023: So I finally got around to adding to the gallery! Been so incredibly busy at work and with setting up my things. I'll work more on the website tomorrow though!

31/05/2023: I return! I am finishing up moving and will be working on the site again. I will be posting more to the gallery this week, as well as adding more books to the library. If you have any suggestions for the site leave a comment in the chat or on my neocities page. Thank you guys for sticking around.

25/05/2023: My apologies for the lack of updates to the site this week, I've been quite busy moving apartments. Once I get a new desk within the coming days expect more updates!

19/05/2023: Joined the null webring, try out the widget in the about section to visit another site in the webring!

17/05/2023: Another day goes by and I still dont know how I want to format the library. I have it formatted like this page now, with links to the pdfs and a brief description of the book. I am also considering making a shrine page to bands, people, and characters that I like, or whatever usually goes on shrine pages.

16/05/2023: I added a couple new arcade games to the arcade, they are quite fun so give them a shot! A library page is in the works, where I will put PDFs of books! The button page is also going well, if you would like your button to be added comment on my neocities page or in the chat your website and I'll check it out!

15/05/2023: The page of buttons has been created but I am still updating it with buttons. I did not sleep last night so I have been awake for about 36 hours at this point, still going along though. I will likely add more games to the arcade this evening.

14/05/2023: Considering adding a 88x31 button bage to sites that I like or find inspo from. I made a button to this site, check it out on the home page and add it to your site if you'd like! I would recommend using the code I provided, since I will likely update my button soon. There is now a couple entertaining games in the arcade now, although the controls can be odd at times, since the browser dosent like multilple inputs at once, especially alt and space together, so take care when playing the games!

12/05/2023: The site is looking nice now! I changed the look of the log and arcade to match the home page, as well as the home and return buttons. I am still adding games to the arcade, however I have realized I have become sidetracked from making images for the gallery, so I will be adding more soon. Side note, the webiste passed 10k views today, so cool!

11/05/2023: The home page has finally been re-worked. It looks quite nice compared to the previous version. I also changed the backround of the gallery to the same as the home page. This probably took me way longer than it should have. I am considering making themed home buttons on all other pages that fit the style of the home page. I made the arcade page visible on the home page as well, although it still needs some work and more games.

10/05/2023: Today I began working on the arcade page, where I will put emulated old games I find that can be embedded into the site. I have not listed it under the directory yet, since I don't fully know how I want to format it, however I will put it on the directory soon so it can be accessed from the home page. Speaking of the home page, I am also planning on re-formatting it as well, with more graphic borders and a more cohesive layout, but this may take some time.

09/05/2023: I went and created a seperate page for the gallery in the directory, and after replacing the image location for every single image on the page it worked. I also added buttons that return you to the top of the page once you reach the bottom, since it is a long distance of scrolling that will only get longer. I might even need to have the button stay at the bottom of the screen at all times if the gallery gets large enough. I also added a page with the name "DO NOT CLICK" to the directory, this page serves no purpose and is purely for my amusement.

In other news, I am reaching an end on a music project I've been working on for a while with a friend, and we will be releasing an album soon. I am quite excited to release something together, as we have been working on songs and trashing them for a long time now (since like 2018). Finally we are so close to having a compilation of songs that we deem adequate enough for others to hear. IV04 lets go!

08/05/2023: The home page of the site is completed for the most part and the gallery is set up how I want it for now. The next move is to replace the gifypet game in the center with links to new pages like this one. Perhaps I should make the gallery into its own page. Anyway this log is where I will place notes about the site or whatever else I feel like jotting down.